IT Accessibility: What Web Developers Have to Say
0:01 - 0:03The web is about information accessibility
0:03 - 0:05It's really a basic human freedom that we
0:05 - 0:07are just really beginning to talk about in
0:07 - 0:09the last decade. <ahm> It's important
0:09 - 0:11therefore that everybody have this freedom
0:11 - 0:14any freedom that's only allocated to a few
0:14 - 0:14is not really a freedom.
0:14 - 0:18The web is about information and <er> it's
0:18 - 0:20important that people can access the
0:20 - 0:22information that they need in order to
0:22 - 0:24complete a workflow or get their job done
0:24 - 0:25finish a task.
0:26 - 0:28I think the web should be accessible to
0:28 - 0:30everyone all the time. I grew up with it
0:30 - 0:34being easily accessible to me.<Erm> It's how
0:34 - 0:37I learnt information easily. <Erm>I can't
0:37 - 0:39imagine someone not being able to just
0:39 - 0:41google something instantly, and getting
0:41 - 0:42what they need.
0:43 - 0:46I think websites should be accessible<ah>
0:46 - 0:49because...the web is founded kinda on this
0:49 - 0:51idea of sharing information and if you
0:51 - 0:53can't share information or if some people
0:53 - 0:55can't see it , then it's not truly being shared.
0:55 - 1:05<music>
1:11 - 1:12We all have different abilities and
1:12 - 1:14disabilities, and if we're all going to be
1:14 - 1:17able to get the same content and interpret
1:17 - 1:19it in a somewhat similar fashion, it has
1:19 - 1:21to be given to us in that way and
1:21 - 1:23accessible so that we can actually reach it
1:23 - 1:25Accessibility is important for a number of
1:25 - 1:28reasons. <ah> For one, there are laws that
1:28 - 1:33apply.<ah>Another is, it can relate to our
1:33 - 1:36reputation. And a third is that<ah>by
1:36 - 1:39paying attention to it, we create a more
1:39 - 1:41inclusive educational environment.
1:41 - 1:44I think we are really good as developers
1:44 - 1:48at being...focusing on the 80% case.
1:48 - 1:51Focusing on how do we make every 4 out of
1:51 - 1:53every 5 of our users happy. How do we
1:53 - 1:54build things for those group of people,
1:54 - 1:58because the last 20% is always hard.
1:58 - 2:01But I say that the web is for 100%.
2:01 - 2:03It's for everybody, which is what
2:03 - 2:04Tim Burners-Lee said.
2:04 - 2:06I'm definitely am very moved by this
2:06 - 2:08notion of inclusiveness. I mean I think
2:08 - 2:11that, for me it's a part of who I...
2:11 - 2:14this is important to me. But <erm> there's
2:14 - 2:19also just the sort of, <erm> the notion of
2:19 - 2:24of having everybody's contributions to the
2:24 - 2:25sort of...the knowledge.
2:25 - 2:28Big challenge is, to escape your own
2:28 - 2:31viewpoint. And to not make the assumption
2:31 - 2:33that everyone sees the web the way you see
2:33 - 2:36it, on the device you see, <erm> the way
2:36 - 2:39you use it. And so when you're creating
2:39 - 2:41web pages, that's the biggest challenge,
2:41 - 2:44is getting outside of where you're sitting.
2:44 - 2:47The biggest obstacle to accessibility,
2:47 - 2:50I think pure knowledge.
2:50 - 2:52It's really about putting yourself in the
2:52 - 2:53mind of a person with disabilities.
2:53 - 2:57A person who has, who has no motor skills
2:57 - 2:59has no hands, has a lack of vision, has a
2:59 - 3:02lack of hearing.<Ahm> May have a
3:02 - 3:04cognitive disability. To be able to put
3:05 - 3:06yourselves in their shoes and understand
3:06 - 3:08how are they working with the thing that
3:08 - 3:10I'm building or designing right now,
3:10 - 3:11can they use it?
3:11 - 3:14The alternative is, you build something
3:14 - 3:17someone says "oh no it's not accessible!"
3:17 - 3:21and so you go back and try to fix it but
3:21 - 3:22you probably have been doing the wrong
3:22 - 3:25thing at many places <ah> you know you may
3:25 - 3:28have hundreds of images with no alt text,
3:28 - 3:30you may have navigation that's very confused
3:30 - 3:33or you are relying on libraries that...
3:33 - 3:34<lady on headphones>open internet explorer
3:34 - 3:36it's just that the technologies aren't
3:36 - 3:39going to figure out. <Erm> And so that's
3:39 - 3:41when someone says, it's too much,
3:41 - 3:43too expensive, it's too much work.
3:43 - 3:45Well...just do it from the beginning and
3:45 - 3:47it''ll probably get a
3:48 - 3:50quality product with less work.
3:51 - 3:53Accessibility is important to incorporate
3:53 - 3:55early on because if you don't
3:55 - 3:57incorporate it early on, you will
3:57 - 4:00incorporate it later at greater expense,
4:00 - 4:03with a certain amount of time you don't have
4:03 - 4:04with a certain amount of money you
4:04 - 4:06don't have to try to make it better.
4:06 - 4:07Accessibility, unfortunately like
4:07 - 4:09everything else in design and web design
4:09 - 4:11has to be done from the very beginning.
4:11 - 4:13So whether you're designing for different
4:13 - 4:15devices, whether doing for different kinds
4:15 - 4:18of human abilities, all those things have
4:18 - 4:20to be thought of from the very beginning
4:20 - 4:22and built into your concept of what your
4:22 - 4:23your plan is. Of course nobody wants to
4:23 - 4:25take time at the end. We're almost there,
4:25 - 4:27we just want to get it out, and that's the
4:27 - 4:29mistake many of us make. It's like
4:29 - 4:31"I'll just get it out, then I'll go back and fix it."
4:31 - 4:33No. Doesn't ever happen. There's always
4:33 - 4:33a next project.
4:33 - 4:36The first step in getting an accessible
4:36 - 4:38site, is to work with the management, so
4:38 - 4:40they understand the value of making it
4:40 - 4:43accessible, and also helping them
4:43 - 4:46understand that <erm> we can do pretty
4:46 - 4:49much anything they want and be accesible.
4:49 - 4:53If you just talk about accessibility, it
4:53 - 4:55may not be immediately appreciated as
4:55 - 4:57something important to do. But if you
4:57 - 5:01start talking about quality and <ah> the
5:01 - 5:03overlap of search engine optimisation and
5:03 - 5:06accessibility and things of that nature
5:06 - 5:07that...that will tend to get people's
5:07 - 5:08attention more.
5:08 - 5:12When I started, I was a designer and I
5:12 - 5:14wanted to make things look pretty. And you
5:14 - 5:16don't think about anything besides the
5:16 - 5:20aesthetics. And what I soon realised was
5:20 - 5:22that when you have something that works
5:22 - 5:26it already looks good, right, so
5:26 - 5:28that's where I started to move towards
5:28 - 5:30things being functional then the beauty
5:30 - 5:32came along after that.
5:32 - 5:35I don't believe that making a site
5:35 - 5:38accessible inhibits creativity. In fact
5:38 - 5:41I would argue creativity,
5:41 - 5:43it improves creativity.
5:43 - 5:45Good accessible design often closely
5:45 - 5:49relates to good usable design. And we
5:49 - 5:50found a really close parallel between good
5:50 - 5:54mobile design, mobile for mobile devices
5:54 - 5:56and the simplicity and clarity of good
5:56 - 5:57accessible design. <when tablet appears>
5:57 - 5:58<eletronic female voice from tablet>Safari
5:58 - 6:00skip to primary content. <at each tap>
6:00 - 6:01<electronic female voice reads tapped content>
6:01 - 6:05In page link. Current Student. Future Student.
6:05 - 6:08Menu Item. Accessible Technology.
6:08 - 6:10<Rick Ells> So they are all inter-related
6:10 - 6:12and basically if you're making a really
6:12 - 6:14complicated site with lots of stuff on it.
6:14 - 6:16When you're doing, using different methods
6:16 - 6:18all over the place. <ah> You're probably
6:18 - 6:20not building that great a site anyway.
6:20 - 6:22The way we create websites today, has
6:22 - 6:24improved from 10 years ago. We're not
6:24 - 6:27using in-line styles, we're not only
6:27 - 6:31designing for 1 screen size. So the
6:31 - 6:33developers and designers are forced to
6:33 - 6:35design for every person and every device.
6:35 - 6:40We can't go backwards, we can't become
6:40 - 6:41limited again.
6:41 - 6:45Primarily what you can do as a designer
6:45 - 6:47to <erm> to check for accessibility is
6:47 - 6:49making sure that you have good headings.
6:49 - 6:51Good proper headings and headings
6:51 - 6:55structure <erm> good labels on inputs
6:55 - 6:57<erm> good labels on buttons and links
6:57 - 6:59so making sure you're using the right tags
6:59 - 7:02and the second best thing I would say,
7:02 - 7:04at least that I do are <erm> checking
7:04 - 7:06with the keyboard, just looking to see
7:06 - 7:09keyboard navigation, making sure there's
7:09 - 7:10you know there's good focus, indicators
7:10 - 7:14and that you don't get the focus trapped
Not Syncedanywhere.
Not SyncedThe heart of the challenge in <ah> sort of
Not Syncedthe development world is that many
Not Synceddevelopers you know look around and find
Not Syncedopen source libraries with really cool
Not Syncedstuff. So they find ways to make things
Not Syncedbounce across the screen, or make things
Not Syncedget big and small and so on. And it just
Not Synceddoesn't enter their mind to evaluate them
Not Syncedfor accessibility.
Not SyncedWhen you're looking at a java script
Not Syncedlibrary or a content management system,
Not Syncedpiece of code that you would like to use,
Not Syncedyou need to look both at, does it do what
Not Syncedyou want for the web and does it also,
Not Syncedis it also accessible? In other words,
Not Synceddoes it do it for you and for everybody.
Not SyncedSo as soon as you build something, you go
Not Syncedback and you check it and check it over
Not Syncedand over again. On multiple browsers, on
Not Syncedmultiple machines. You know I'll even call
Not Syncedpeople you know overseas,and say "hey can
Not Syncedyou can you find it, can you check it, is
Not Syncedit working for you? Oh ok good you know.
Not SyncedAnd now they have tools out there where
Not Syncedyou can check on every single browser out
Not Syncedthere. In the past, that was really
Not Syncedimportant, it still is. <erm> We have a few
Not Syncedbrowsers out there, like a handful of
Not Syncedbrowsers that we use, but we need to check
Not Syncedit on on every possible system and platform.
Not SyncedThe best thing that you can do ultimately
Not Syncedto check a design be it, checking for
Not Syncedusability or accessibility is actually
Not Syncedputting it in front of users and seeing if
Not Syncedthey can use it.
Not SyncedYou know, no matter how great your site is
Not Syncedyou know you may think you're hitting all
Not Syncedthe standards, then you watch someone go
Not Syncedthrough it and you say well, wow they had
Not Synced...that didn't work out so well
Not SyncedWhen I think of what a university does at
Not Syncedit's core is to, not take everyone with
Not Syncedvery similar ideas and turn out people
Not Syncedwith the same ideas, but it's to benefit
Not Syncedfrom a broad range of abilities and skills
Not Syncedand different perspectives. And I see
Not Syncedaccessibility and disability as being a
Not Syncedpart of that spectrum.
Not SyncedI think accessibility needs to be talked
Not Syncedabout more, it needs to be taught in
Not Syncedthe institution, in schools, it needs to
Not Syncedbe enforced in institutions and commercial
Not Syncedenvironments.
Not SyncedAs new technology comes out, I think there
Not Syncedwill be some that just neglect it
Not Syncedcompletely, and others that champion it.
Not SyncedAnd the ones that champion it will be more
Not Synceduser-friendly to everybody else, and they'll
Not Syncedwin in the marketplace.
Not SyncedI think the future of the web<erm> is to
Not Syncedbe making fewer and fewer assumptions
Not Syncedabout how other people use it. We have
Not Syncedmobile devices, we have screen readers,
Not Syncedand we even have your web page or your
Not Syncedcontent might be used by another machine
Not Syncedso I think the fewer of the web is to
Not Syncedcontinue making fewer and fewer
Not Syncedassumptions and more universal content
Not Syncedthat is not restrictive or exclusive.
Not SyncedI think it can be very challenging for a
Not Syncedcertain applications to serve people with disabilities
Not Syncedbut that's where the engineer needs to
Not Syncedthink about "why did I become an engineer"
Not Syncedto make the impossible, possible, to solve
Not Syncedbig problems. And this is a big problem,
Not Syncedso let's attack it, let's solve it.
Not Synced<music>
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