WEBVTT 00:00:06.459 --> 00:00:10.560 Make sure you get my good side, which is, like, all of this. 00:00:10.560 --> 00:00:14.320 I think the biggest thing that people need to know, in this world, 00:00:14.320 --> 00:00:15.968 is that there is no limit, right? 00:00:15.968 --> 00:00:17.841 We always hear the saying: "The sky's the limit." 00:00:17.841 --> 00:00:19.304 How many times have you been told: 00:00:19.304 --> 00:00:20.758 "You can do whatever you want, the sky is the limit!" 00:00:20.758 --> 00:00:22.432 "You can get there!" 00:00:22.432 --> 00:00:24.494 Well, I think that's a load of BS. 00:00:24.494 --> 00:00:26.193 Sitting here saying, "the sky's the limit" 00:00:26.193 --> 00:00:27.644 well, we have footprints on the Moon, 00:00:27.644 --> 00:00:31.005 we have Felix Baumgartner skydiving from space. 00:00:31.005 --> 00:00:33.201 Now tell me the sky's the limit. 00:00:33.201 --> 00:00:34.558 When I was four months old, 00:00:34.558 --> 00:00:39.221 I contracted a rare form of meningitis called meningococcal septicaemia. 00:00:39.221 --> 00:00:43.012 What it did was it attacked my bloodstream so all the blood in my body stopped. 00:00:43.012 --> 00:00:44.369 The doctors had to find where, 00:00:44.369 --> 00:00:47.214 amputate my left hand, my legs, and some fingers on the right. 00:00:47.214 --> 00:00:49.975 Everyone always says to me: "Oh my gosh Shayne! 00:00:49.975 --> 00:00:52.754 You're so incredible, you're so strong, you're so amazing! 00:00:52.754 --> 00:00:55.080 You have such a big heart, you have a great heart." 00:00:55.080 --> 00:01:00.406 And really my answer to that always is, you know, 00:01:00.406 --> 00:01:02.563 I got it from my mama! 00:01:02.563 --> 00:01:06.361 My mom not only did all this, but she did it on her own. 00:01:06.361 --> 00:01:09.860 My dad split, alright, so my mom really was 00:01:09.860 --> 00:01:14.141 mom, dad, taxi driver, you know, basketball coach, hockey coach. 00:01:14.141 --> 00:01:15.900 My mom was everything. 00:01:15.900 --> 00:01:17.594 I've got to do some really cool things. 00:01:17.594 --> 00:01:20.547 Out of 60,000 kids, I was chosen at 12 years old 00:01:20.547 --> 00:01:22.451 to have lunch with Nelson Mandela. 00:01:22.451 --> 00:01:26.212 At 25, probably the greatest experience I'll ever have in my entire life 00:01:26.212 --> 00:01:27.940 came at 12 years old! 00:01:27.940 --> 00:01:31.331 When I looked at Nelson Mandela and I said: "Mister Mandela, 00:01:31.331 --> 00:01:33.961 Sir, it's an honor for me to meet you." 00:01:33.961 --> 00:01:37.651 And he looks down at me and he puts his hand on my shoulder, 00:01:37.651 --> 00:01:39.740 and Nelson Mandela replies to me: 00:01:39.740 --> 00:01:43.367 "No my child, it's an honor that I got to share a meal with you." 00:01:43.367 --> 00:01:45.668 I played basketball for about 17 years. 00:01:45.668 --> 00:01:48.097 Hum, I played on the junior national team in Canada. 00:01:48.097 --> 00:01:51.650 And it's a very proud thing for me to be able to say 00:01:51.650 --> 00:01:56.135 I am the only player with half a hand to do that in History. 00:01:56.135 --> 00:01:59.333 So for me that's really cool to say. 00:01:59.333 --> 00:02:02.157 I played basketball in a gym called Variety Village in Toronto 00:02:02.157 --> 00:02:06.742 and it's a sports and training facility for people with all kinds of challenges... 00:02:06.742 --> 00:02:11.936 and not. So it's a training facility for everybody. 00:02:11.936 --> 00:02:13.632 And I was there to promote them. 00:02:13.632 --> 00:02:15.925 And afterwards everyone came up to me at 8 years old and said: 00:02:15.925 --> 00:02:19.216 "You should really do this for a living, you're really good at it!" 00:02:19.216 --> 00:02:21.551 Then I gave another one, and another one... 00:02:21.551 --> 00:02:24.944 and now at 25, I run a speaking company. 00:02:24.944 --> 00:02:27.141 Hum, my favorite exercise that 00:02:27.141 --> 00:02:29.088 I run with the kids when I do my speaking is 00:02:29.088 --> 00:02:30.984 I'd get them to tell me something that they love to do. 00:02:30.984 --> 00:02:32.483 So, you know, I'm gonna, I'm gonna do it with you. 00:02:32.483 --> 00:02:34.581 Give me anything that you love to do. "Sing" 00:02:34.581 --> 00:02:36.180 Are you the best at it? "Yes, I am." 00:02:36.180 --> 00:02:38.633 Louder. "Yes, I am!" 00:02:38.633 --> 00:02:41.960 I quickly tell them: Well, now, you know, 00:02:41.960 --> 00:02:44.540 Imagine if we were all to decide that we were the best at something 00:02:44.540 --> 00:02:46.154 on a daily basis. 00:02:46.154 --> 00:02:49.467 How powerful and incredible this building would be? Always. 00:02:49.467 --> 00:02:51.307 And then, I don't exclude myself from it. 00:02:51.307 --> 00:02:52.371 So I tell them, you know, 00:02:52.371 --> 00:02:54.595 Best one-handed wheelchair basketball player in the world. 00:02:54.595 --> 00:02:56.792 I think, I do. I believe that that's me. 00:02:56.792 --> 00:03:01.504 Rap. I think I'm the best white disabled Jewish rapper 00:03:01.504 --> 00:03:03.074 in the world. I'm gonna say that too. 00:03:03.074 --> 00:03:05.352 "Great detail" Right? Right?! 00:03:05.352 --> 00:03:08.886 I mean, I go even farther than that. This is where I really like to connect 00:03:08.886 --> 00:03:11.081 with them. I tell them that you know, the only reason why 00:03:11.081 --> 00:03:13.730 Channing Tatum won sexiest man in the world 00:03:13.730 --> 00:03:16.424 is 'cos the people that write the articles haven't met me yet. 00:03:16.424 --> 00:03:19.182 I think that 96% of women fall in love with me 00:03:19.182 --> 00:03:21.120 within 5 minutes of meeting me. 00:03:21.120 --> 00:03:24.304 But I quickly change that and say: "Of all these women, 00:03:24.304 --> 00:03:26.736 why it's so easy for them to fall in love with me 00:03:26.736 --> 00:03:29.434 is because I'm in love with me. 00:03:29.434 --> 00:03:31.821 And that's where it starts, right? As soon as you can love 00:03:31.821 --> 00:03:34.562 who you are, like truly love who you are 00:03:34.562 --> 00:03:38.047 it is very easy for other people to love you, right?